Thursday 26 November 2009

My Music Magazine Outline

Outline: I want my magazine to look at both present and old bands e.g. a band that has come back together after a few years to release a new album or an upcoming band. I will focus mainly on new ones and will have a mini ‘oldies’ section where I will look at classic bands and artists.

Name: I have decided to go with the name because after doing a little survey of which name would be best out of the names I came up with in the previous post the majority of people liked the name ‘Sync’ because it was short and catchy. I also feel that it links to my magazine well because sync is a term used when two things are happening at the same time or when play sounds together or when someone sings in perfect synchronicity with music which is great because my magazine is obviously a music magazine and it keeps people in formed or in ‘Sync’ with what’s new and good in terms of music these days.

Genre: I will be looking at the music industry kind of as a whole as I will bee looking at new music like ‘NME’ does however I will also look at some genres of music the NME does not such as Metal bands. I will also look at some old bands in my ‘oldies’ section because not only will in appeal to older readers but because a lot of old music is being liked by younger people more and more it will appeal to the younger readers as well.

Why have I chosen to do this? : Well I like the whole modern keeping with the times thing that NME has but I realised that there are some genres of music that NME do not look at mainly Metal bands and because metal is one of my favourite genres of music I feel like I combine the two magazines and look at all different kinds of music including metal plus the stuff NME covers.

Target audience: My magazine is mainly for the younger generation however a small part of my magazine does cover old bands and artists as I mentioned before so there is a small appeal for the older generation but it is predominantly aimed at young people. : Well I like the whole modern keeping with the times thing that NME has but I realised that there are some genres of music that NME do not look at mainly Metal bands and because metal is one of my favourite genres of music I feel like I combine the two magazines and look at all different kinds of music including metal plus the stuff NME covers.


  1. I really like this idea. It's an original approach. It will be interesting to see if you can use your concept to inform your design decisions.

  2. few things to correct:
    - in formed> informed
    Genre paragraph: be not bee
