Wednesday 7 October 2009

What other media forms have spawned off of magazines as they have grown?

As music magazines become more popular and successful the companys look for new waysto get themselves more involved in todays media. This not only allows the magazine companies to keep their readers interested with something new but it also makes them better known by the public and it can get new people interested in buying their magazine because any other media forms that magazine get involved in will always advertise their own magazine and whatever else they have got.

I have chosen to look at kerrang magazine. Kerrang is a music magazine which focusses on the different genres of metal that we have today and all the different genres that are still being created. Kerrang of started off as a magazine which became very popular amongst those who were in to metal music and metal gigs and they realised that they needed to expand on their busines and become more than just a magazine . Kerrang have a website where they put information about their magazine e.g. whats in the latest issue, when its coming out, how much it will be and they have information about their other media forms.

Kerrang Radio
and tv

Kerrang have a radio station which plays metal music and all the bands and artists that they look at in their magazine. thay also do interviews with metal artists and bands and they discuss new events and bands to do whith Kerrang and Metal music .

Kerrang also have a television channel where they show music videos of metal band and they show tours and interviews with different bands and artists to do with the genre.

The most recent instalation in the Kerrang company have something called Kerrang tour which is baisically a tour of loads of different bands and artists and the progress of the tour is followed by their television channel, their radio station, their website and of coarse their magazine.


  1. You explore the synergy of Kerrang here well - but try to write not just as a fan but as a student of media: at the end of the day, remember that they are making money out of you - a bit more analysis please!

  2. Thanks for the feedback miss, I know I got a little carried away and I will look at this again and analyse more thouroughly as a "media student" and I will take this on board for future work and analysis.
